100% Let’s Go, Eevee!: Step-by-Step Completion Guide

To achieve 100% completion in Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, you’ll need to complete the following:
1. Beat the Main Story
- Defeat all Gym Leaders.
- Beat Team Rocket and Giovanni.
- Challenge and defeat the Elite Four and Champion to become the Pokémon League Champion.
2. Complete the Pokédex (Catch All 153 Pokémon)
- Obtain all original 151 Pokémon (some require trading with Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon GO).
- Get Meltan and Melmetal via Pokémon GO transfers.
- Capture Mew (only available via the Poké Ball Plus accessory).
3. Defeat Master Trainers
- After beating the Pokémon League, 153 Master Trainers appear across Kanto.
- Each Master Trainer specializes in one Pokémon, and you must defeat them using only that Pokémon.
- After defeating a Master Trainer, you earn their title.
4. Battle and Defeat Red, Blue, and Green
- Red: Found at the Indigo Plateau after beating at least six Master Trainers.
- Blue: Regularly battles you in Viridian City Gym.
- Green: Found in Cerulean Cave after catching Mewtwo.
5. Capture Legendary Pokémon
- Mewtwo: Found in Cerulean Cave after the Pokémon League.
- Moltres: Found in Victory Road.
- Zapdos: Found in the Power Plant.
- Articuno: Found in the Seafoam Islands.
6. Reach Level 100 with a Pokémon
- Level up any Pokémon to 100 (best done with EXP farming via Chansey in Cerulean Cave).
7. Earn All In-Game Titles
- Earn the title for defeating all Master Trainers.
- Obtain other in-game titles like “Champion” and “Pokédex Completionist.”
8. Collect All Clothing Sets
- Obtain all outfits for you and Eevee, including exclusive ones from NPCs and milestones.
9. Max Out Friendship with Eevee
- Play with Eevee often and feed it berries to increase affection.
10. Get All Secret Techniques
- Ensure your Eevee learns:
- Chop Down (replaces Cut)
- Strong Push (replaces Strength)
- Sea Skim (replaces Surf)
- Sky Dash (replaces Fly)
- Light Up (replaces Flash)
11. Catch Shiny Pokémon
- Use the Catch Combo method (catching the same Pokémon repeatedly) to increase shiny odds.
12. Max Out Candy Bonuses
- Power up your Pokémon by feeding them the right candies.
13. Get a Perfect IV Team
- Use the Judge Function to check IVs.
- Use bottle caps to hyper train your Pokémon at Level 100.
14. Beat the Battle Trainers at the Pokémon League
- They offer rematches after the main story and have stronger Pokémon.
15. Complete In-Game Side Quests
- Help NPCs around Kanto for items and rewards.
Once you complete all of these, you can proudly say you’ve 100% completed Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! 🎉