How to Defeat Every Gym Leader in Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!

Gym Leaders Let's Go, Eevee!

Defeating all Gym Leaders in Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! requires understanding their types, move sets, and weaknesses. Here’s how to beat each one effectively.

🌿 Pewter City Gym – Brock (Rock Type)

Requirement: Show a Grass- or Water-type Pokémon.
Recommended Pokémon: Bulbasaur (Viridian Forest), Oddish (Route 1 & 2), or Squirtle (later in Cerulean City).

Geodude11Rock/GroundWater, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel
Onix12Rock/GroundWater, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel

🛠 Strategy:

  • Grass (Vine Whip) or Water (Bubble/Water Gun) moves are super effective.
  • If using Eevee, use Double Kick (Fighting-type) for extra damage.

💧 Cerulean City Gym – Misty (Water Type)

Requirement: Have a Pokémon at Level 15+.
Recommended Pokémon: Pikachu (Viridian Forest), Bellsprout/Oddish (Routes 24-25).

Psyduck18WaterElectric, Grass
Starmie19Water/PsychicElectric, Grass, Bug, Ghost, Dark

🛠 Strategy:

  • Pikachu’s Thunder Shock or Bellsprout’s Vine Whip will take down Misty fast.
  • Be wary of Starmie’s Confusion. Use status moves like Sleep Powder (Bellsprout) to stall.

⚡ Vermilion City Gym – Lt. Surge (Electric Type)

Requirement: Show a Pokémon caught outside Kanto (trade Pokémon).
Recommended Pokémon: Diglett/Dugtrio (Diglett’s Cave), Geodude (Mt. Moon).

Magnemite25Electric/SteelGround, Fire, Fighting

🛠 Strategy:

  • Diglett/Dugtrio can sweep this Gym with Dig (super effective against Electric).
  • Avoid using Flying- or Water-types here.

🌿 Celadon City Gym – Erika (Grass Type)

Requirement: Show a “cute” Pokémon (like Eevee or Pikachu).
Recommended Pokémon: Vulpix (Let’s Go, Eevee! – Route 7), Growlithe (Let’s Go, Pikachu! – Route 7), or Butterfree (Route 2).

Tangela33GrassFire, Flying, Bug, Ice, Poison
Weepinbell33Grass/PoisonFire, Flying, Psychic, Ice
Vileplume34Grass/PoisonFire, Flying, Psychic, Ice

🛠 Strategy:

  • Fire-types (Vulpix, Growlithe) with Ember/Flamethrower work well.
  • Flying moves (Wing Attack from Pidgeotto) or Psychic (Kadabra) also work.

☠️ Fuchsia City Gym – Koga (Poison Type)

Requirement: Have a Pokémon at Level 45+.
Recommended Pokémon: Kadabra (Psychic-type), Ground-types like Dugtrio.

Weezing43PoisonPsychic, Ground
Muk43PoisonPsychic, Ground
Golbat43Poison/FlyingElectric, Ice, Psychic, Rock
Venomoth44Bug/PoisonFire, Flying, Psychic, Rock

🛠 Strategy:

  • Kadabra with Psychic moves can one-shot most of Koga’s team.
  • Dugtrio’s Earthquake/Dig is also very effective.
  • Bring Full Heals for Poison status effects.

🔮 Saffron City Gym – Sabrina (Psychic Type)

Requirement: Have a Pokémon at Level 45+.
Recommended Pokémon: Dark-type moves (Crunch from Arcanine), Bug-types (Beedrill), or Ghost-types (Haunter).

Mr. Mime43Psychic/FairyGhost, Poison, Steel
Slowbro43Water/PsychicElectric, Grass, Bug, Dark, Ghost
Jynx43Ice/PsychicFire, Bug, Rock, Dark, Ghost
Alakazam44PsychicBug, Dark, Ghost

🛠 Strategy:

  • Use Dark-type moves like Crunch (Arcanine) or Bug-type moves (X-Scissor from Beedrill).
  • Avoid Fighting-types, as they are weak to Psychic.

🔥 Cinnabar Island Gym – Blaine (Fire Type)

Requirement: Answer Blaine’s quiz questions.
Recommended Pokémon: Water-types (Lapras, Blastoise), Rock-types (Onix, Rhyhorn).

Magmar47FireWater, Ground, Rock
Rapidash47FireWater, Ground, Rock
Ninetales47FireWater, Ground, Rock
Arcanine48FireWater, Ground, Rock

🛠 Strategy:

  • Water-types like Lapras and Blastoise work best.
  • Dugtrio’s Dig or Rhydon’s Earthquake are also strong against Fire-types.

🏜 Viridian City Gym – Giovanni (Ground Type)

Requirement: None (final Gym).
Recommended Pokémon: Water-types (Blastoise, Lapras), Grass-types (Venusaur).

Dugtrio49GroundWater, Grass, Ice
Nidoqueen49Poison/GroundWater, Ground, Psychic, Ice
Nidoking49Poison/GroundWater, Ground, Psychic, Ice
Rhydon50Ground/RockWater, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Steel

🛠 Strategy:

  • Blastoise or Lapras with Surf can sweep Giovanni’s team.
  • Grass-types like Venusaur also work well against Rhydon and Dugtrio.

Final Notes:

✅ Use type advantages to dominate each Gym.
✅ Train Pokémon to match or exceed Gym Leader levels.
✅ Use healing items (Potions, Antidotes) during fights.

Once you beat all 8 Gym Leaders, you’re ready for the Elite Four! 🎉

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