Elite Four & Champion Battle Guide – Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!

🏆 How to Challenge & Defeat the Elite Four and Become Pokémon League Champion in Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! 🎖
Once you’ve beaten all 8 Gym Leaders and obtained the Earth Badge, head to Indigo Plateau to challenge the Elite Four and the Champion. Here’s a step-by-step guide to winning the Pokémon League.
📍 Getting to the Pokémon League
1️⃣ Go to Route 22 (west of Viridian City).
2️⃣ Battle your Rival one last time before Victory Road.
3️⃣ Pass the Badge Check Gates and enter Victory Road.
4️⃣ Solve Strength Puzzles in Victory Road and battle trainers.
5️⃣ Heal & Prepare at Indigo Plateau before entering.
🔥 Elite Four Battles
💡 Tips for Success:
✔ Bring Full Restores, Revives, and Max Potions.
✔ Have a balanced team covering all types.
✔ Level up your team to at least Level 50-55.
1️⃣ Lorelei – Ice/Water Type
🧊 Specialty: Ice-type Pokémon
📍 Weaknesses: Electric, Fighting, Fire, Rock
Pokémon | Level | Type | Weaknesses |
Dewgong | 51 | Water/Ice | Electric, Fighting, Grass, Rock |
Jynx | 51 | Ice/Psychic | Fire, Bug, Rock, Dark, Ghost |
Cloyster | 51 | Water/Ice | Electric, Fighting, Grass, Rock |
Slowbro | 51 | Water/Psychic | Electric, Grass, Bug, Dark, Ghost |
Lapras | 52 | Water/Ice | Electric, Fighting, Grass, Rock |
🛠 Strategy:
- Zapdos or Raichu (Thunderbolt/Thunder) destroys her team.
- Arcanine/Charizard (Flamethrower) beats Jynx.
- Machamp (Brick Break) can help against Ice-types.
2️⃣ Bruno – Fighting/Rock Type
🥊 Specialty: Fighting- & Rock-type Pokémon
📍 Weaknesses: Psychic, Flying, Water, Grass
Pokémon | Level | Type | Weaknesses |
Onix | 52 | Rock/Ground | Water, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Steel |
Hitmonlee | 52 | Fighting | Flying, Psychic, Fairy |
Hitmonchan | 52 | Fighting | Flying, Psychic, Fairy |
Poliwrath | 52 | Water/Fighting | Electric, Flying, Psychic, Grass, Fairy |
Machamp | 53 | Fighting | Flying, Psychic, Fairy |
🛠 Strategy:
- Alakazam (Psychic) sweeps his team.
- Pidgeot/Zapdos (Air Slash/Fly) crushes his Fighting-types.
- Blastoise (Hydro Pump) handles Onix.
3️⃣ Agatha – Ghost/Poison Type
👻 Specialty: Ghost- & Poison-type Pokémon
📍 Weaknesses: Psychic, Ground, Dark
Pokémon | Level | Type | Weaknesses |
Arbok | 53 | Poison | Ground, Psychic |
Gengar | 53 | Ghost/Poison | Psychic, Dark, Ground |
Golbat | 53 | Poison/Flying | Electric, Ice, Psychic, Rock |
Weezing | 53 | Poison | Ground, Psychic |
Gengar | 54 | Ghost/Poison | Psychic, Dark, Ground |
🛠 Strategy:
- Alakazam (Psychic) dominates her team.
- Ground-types (Dugtrio, Rhydon) counter Poison-types.
- Dark-type moves (Crunch on Arcanine/Gyarados) help against Gengar.
4️⃣ Lance – Dragon Type
🐉 Specialty: Dragon-type Pokémon
📍 Weaknesses: Ice, Rock, Electric, Dragon
Pokémon | Level | Type | Weaknesses |
Seadra | 54 | Water | Electric, Grass |
Aerodactyl | 54 | Rock/Flying | Water, Electric, Ice, Rock, Steel |
Gyarados | 54 | Water/Flying | Electric (x4), Rock |
Charizard | 54 | Fire/Flying | Water, Electric, Rock |
Dragonite | 55 | Dragon/Flying | Ice (x4), Rock, Dragon, Fairy |
🛠 Strategy:
- Ice-type moves (Lapras/Ice Beam) destroy Dragonite (4x weakness).
- Electric moves (Zapdos/Raichu) zap Gyarados & Aerodactyl.
- Rock moves (Rhydon/Onix) beat Aerodactyl & Charizard.
🏆 Champion Battle – Your Rival
👑 Final Battle: Your Rival has a balanced team based on your choices.
🎯 Strategy: Have counters for Electric, Water, Grass, Fire, and Flying types.
Pokémon | Level | Type | Weaknesses |
Pidgeot | 56 | Normal/Flying | Electric, Ice, Rock |
Vileplume | 56 | Grass/Poison | Fire, Flying, Psychic, Ice |
Marowak | 56 | Ground | Water, Ice, Grass |
Rapidash | 56 | Fire | Water, Rock, Ground |
Slowbro | 56 | Water/Psychic | Electric, Grass, Bug, Dark, Ghost |
Jolteon | 57 | Electric | Ground |
🛠 Strategy:
- Zapdos (Thunderbolt) destroys Pidgeot & Slowbro.
- Dugtrio/Rhydon (Earthquake) counters Jolteon & Rapidash.
- Arcanine (Flamethrower) beats Vileplume.
- Lapras/Blastoise (Surf) wipes Marowak.
🎉 Congratulations! You’re the Pokémon League Champion! 🎉
- After the battle, Professor Oak crowns you as Champion of Kanto.
- Enjoy the Hall of Fame cutscene and credits.
- Afterward, post-game content unlocks (catching Mewtwo, rematches, Master Trainers, etc.).
💡 Bonus Tips for the Pokémon League
✅ Level up Pokémon to 55+ before challenging the League.
✅ Use type advantages to win battles easily.
✅ Stock up on Max Potions, Full Restores, and Revives.
✅ Save before each battle in case you need to retry.
Now you’re officially the Champion of Kanto! 🏆🔥 What’s next? Go catch Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave or challenge Master Trainers! 🚀