How to Beat Team Rocket and Giovanni in Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!

How to Beat Team Rocket and Giovanni in Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! 🔥
Team Rocket appears multiple times in the game, and Giovanni, their leader, is the final Gym Leader. Here’s a step-by-step guide to beating them all.
🚀 Team Rocket Battles
You’ll face Jessie & James several times, as well as Giovanni in key battles.
1️⃣ Rocket Hideout (Celadon City) – Giovanni (First Battle)
📍 Location: Rocket Hideout in Celadon City (inside the Game Corner).
🎯 Goal: Defeat Giovanni and get the Silph Scope (needed for Lavender Town).
Pokémon | Level | Type | Weaknesses |
Persian | 35 | Normal | Fighting |
Rhyhorn | 35 | Ground/Rock | Water, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Steel |
🛠 Strategy:
- Use Fighting-types (Double Kick from Eevee) against Persian.
- Use Water- or Grass-types (Blastoise, Venusaur) against Rhyhorn.
- Reward: Silph Scope (lets you see the ghost in Lavender Tower).
2️⃣ Pokémon Tower (Lavender Town)
📍 Location: Pokémon Tower, Lavender Town.
🎯 Goal: Rescue Mr. Fuji from Team Rocket.
Rocket Grunts | Pokémon |
Jessie & James | Arbok (Poison), Weezing (Poison), Meowth (Normal) |
🛠 Strategy:
- Use Psychic- or Ground-type moves to defeat Arbok and Weezing.
- Mr. Fuji gives you the Poké Flute (wakes up Snorlax).
3️⃣ Silph Co. (Saffron City) – Giovanni (Second Battle)
📍 Location: Silph Co., Saffron City.
🎯 Goal: Stop Giovanni and Team Rocket’s plan to steal Silph Co.’s Master Ball.
Pokémon | Level | Type | Weaknesses |
Persian | 39 | Normal | Fighting |
Rhyhorn | 39 | Ground/Rock | Water, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Steel |
Nidoqueen | 39 | Poison/Ground | Water, Psychic, Ground, Ice |
🛠 Strategy:
- Fighting-types (Machoke, Eevee’s Double Kick) take down Persian.
- Water- and Grass-types (Blastoise, Venusaur) counter Rhyhorn & Nidoqueen.
- Reward: Team Rocket flees, and you get a Lapras from a scientist.
4️⃣ Viridian City Gym – Giovanni (Final Battle)
📍 Location: Viridian City Gym (8th Gym).
🎯 Goal: Defeat Giovanni to earn the Earth Badge.
Pokémon | Level | Type | Weaknesses |
Dugtrio | 49 | Ground | Water, Grass, Ice |
Nidoqueen | 49 | Poison/Ground | Water, Psychic, Ground, Ice |
Nidoking | 49 | Poison/Ground | Water, Psychic, Ground, Ice |
Rhydon | 50 | Ground/Rock | Water, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Steel |
🛠 Strategy:
- Blastoise or Lapras (Surf/Hydro Pump) can easily sweep his team.
- Venusaur (Razor Leaf/Solar Beam) works great against Dugtrio & Rhydon.
- Alakazam (Psychic) takes down Nidoqueen and Nidoking.
- Reward: Earth Badge + TM41 (Earthquake).
After this battle, Giovanni disbands Team Rocket, and you’re free to challenge the Elite Four! 🎉